Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Pollution Prevention Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pollution Prevention - Case Study ExampleIn thisassignmentwe will look for thestakeholderof the chemical plants,we willidentifythe severalizethey play in making any go witha success, we will also look at how a company canfunctionsuch(prenominal) that it meets the needs of its stakeholder and at the same time maintain a quality standard.We will also look at the factors that affect the quality of the product that the company produces and how it can be further improved upon.Since, the only thing that isconstantis change,thereforehow to bring about a constant change that will carry through thestakeholderhappyand will alsobenefitthe accounts of the company (Chanlett, 1973). Stakeholders of any organization be those who, willbasicallybenefit orwill be harmedby the activities that be carriedout by the firm.For any organizationthere arebroadlytwo types ofstakeholder, internalstakeholderand externalstakeholder. ... They care about the profits simplythey are far more concerned about the succ ess of any project they have initiated. Even those whoapprovethe launch of the new product are allstakeholderof a project. The best possible way to meet the requirements and expectations ofstakeholderis to produce results. The only things that thestakeholderwants are the results, the end product. The best way toproducethe results is to have a business strategy designed in such a way that the end resultsare met, and the mostappropriatewayis todesignthestrategyin such a way that the goals are realistic, measurable and achievable, this will make it easy for the company to make thestakeholderhappy. It is notnecessaryfor the strategy to be ahugeonebutit should be aneffectiveone. It isimportantthat the roles and responsibilities arepre assignedandtherelationshipof the people involvedis clearly mentionedand defined so that the lop flow canprogresseffectively and smoothly.Clear job descriptions should also be provided so that each and every person is aware of actually what theyare supposed to do and what extent their contributionis required.There should also be an established performanceevaluationsystem for the people involved in the executing of thepolicyto make sure of its effectiveness.Also, there should be apropermechanismwhich will work to make sure that thepolicyis being implementproperly and as per the set(p) down rules (Chanlett, 1973). There should beconstantchecks on thepolicythathas been implemented.The environmental policy should be such that the objectives and the targets thathave been laiddown

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